Monday, November 12, 2007

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Where am I? Lost in libraryland.......

Does anyone recognise this place?
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Now for my final comments, no I`m not conscientious, just going on annual leave for 3 weeks, New Zealand here I come!
I was very cynical when I first started the program (how unusual for me) but I have learnt a lot, I`m just still unsure how it all relates to my job!
Also I have a problem with librarians spending so much time blogging, surely we lead more interesting lives than to spend so much time reading the blogs of strangers! The only blogs I have looked at have been my colleagues, (some very clever ladies in that group) but I have no desire to check out the blogs of others unknown to me.
The sites I found interesting and relevant to my work included book review sites such as Lulu and LibraryThing.
I admit I did enjoy learning how to use YouTube and downloading videos, now I know why my sons spend so much time on the computer at home!
It must be remembered too that much of the stuff we have been required to access we are not able to via our work stations and it may be very difficult to compete with our customers for public internet time!
signing off..... dee dee

where am I?

this is a mp3 link to "Alone" by Edgar Allan Poe.
It is also available on e book.
It is amazing what`s out there for free!


Libraries Become Temporary Refuge for Homeless
Listen Now [16 min 53 sec] add to playlist

'Shelters for Dickens, Shakespeare and the Homeless'
Talk of the Nation, April 2, 2007 · Chip Ward, the former assistant director of the Salt Lake City Public Library, talks about his op-ed that appeared in Sunday's Los Angeles Times, where he discusses how public libraries have doubled as shelters for the homeless.
Sometimes this feels all too real in our library!
I also subscribed to a feed on the abc podcast called "Life Matters" relating to current issues.

some librarians shouldn`t get out of bed!

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Tuesday, November 6, 2007

sharing info

my YouTube song won`t come up on my work p/c but it is there!
for a YouTube search it is easier to use google than limewire for downloading music.
I did say I couldn`t see the difference between google spreadsheets and excel- I take it back! I now realise the google spreadsheets can be shared with anyone on the internet at http:/ or for me at http:/ and sign in.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Sunday, November 4, 2007

lulu and more

Serene Dawn - Healing Earth - A woman's journey with the Kogi Indians of Colombia
by Sarena Webb
“Save our Mother Earth!” That is the plea of the remaining descendants of an ancient South American tribe, Colombia’s Kogi Indians from their dying mountain range – the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Serene Dawn is the true story of a solo woman traveller in one of the most dangerous travel destinations in the world- the coastal mountains of Caribbean Colombia. Her search is for answers and understanding a chaotic world. Her path takes her through the treacherous and beautiful mountains that is the home of the Kogi Indians. After being robbed by her guide a Kogi Shaman adopts her and teaches her another way of life. Along the way she experiences drug territories and war zones to the other extreme of indigenous knowledge and prophecy of the current times. Sometimes sad, funny and exciting - but always profound - it is a moving account of a searching soul fulfilling dreams despite the odds. It is a must read for those who question human-kind’s existence and the deterioration of the planet.

I think the web 2.0 site has some great ideas of sites to add to your favourites. has ideas for new books in particular interest areas, eg. in travel there are 3002 items that can be viewed in detail

staff at our library

I set up a spread sheet of the staff at our library branch at google online, now I just have to think of something (nice) to say about them all- think I`ll go for the one-liners, how it is different to excel, I`m not sure.......


sally janita mary anne fiona gail robyn rhonda erin judy

flowers grandsons drama marriage dogs walking china travelling prams welcome back

published via Google Docs 05/11/07
on the web page it just looks like a normal spreadsheet.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

a few of my favourite things

my favourite activity has to be travelling, this wins hands down, I am always researching my next adventure. I have travelled with my kids, my good friends, my husband when I had one, my partner, my mum, and I have enjoyed every trip. The best year of my life was travelling around Aust. for 12 months in a camper trailer with 2 little kids, I`d love to do it again in retirement (without the kids)

One of my entries into PBwiki

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

wiki stuff

I checked out the Library Outreach Wiki and Wikis in the workplace, with examples and information from the Library Success page, a shame everything is American, can`t we have some Australian examples from all the competent people here (like my colleague Zofia)!

The book lovers site appeared to be a good idea but the information is slightly out of date! (events advertised for August and book of the day was from September)

Friday, October 26, 2007

the things you learn!

Once again I try to watch the Lib 2.0 video "the machine is us" but this time on a work p/c, but the library p/c doesn`t have the facility to watch it here either. This seems to be a big problem- I can`t do the program at work (public library) as we don`t have adequate facilities and my home p/c doesn`t have all the programs required installed, and I am loathe to install any extra programs as I am on limited downloads and to go over my limit costs heaps! Technology is only as good as the hardware we have access to!
I did read about lib 2.0 in Wikipedia and learnt about Radical Trust, the underlying assumption of Lib 2.0.
I also checked out "site of the week", I didn`t realize iPods could catch fire (self combustion from batteries!)

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

not so technical

exploring technorati- I wanted to watch the learning 2.0 video but apparently I haven`t got the latest flash player required for you tube!

this is an interesting site for any one who likes to travel (american orientated though)- there`s even a hint on how to capture the armrest on the plane!

nature`s will and power

I went in through the PLCMCL2 account- Tagging on Flickr & and found hot tags- looked at recently added photos of the wildfires in California.

hard at work

Thursday, October 18, 2007

transfering rollyo gone wrong!

Powered by Rollyo

my present favourite book

Author Title Date Tags Rating Shared

Hosseini, KhaledA Thousand Splendid Suns 2007
1 star2 star3 star4 star5 star edit infoedit infodelete book

I love to read and this was one of my recent favourites, just before watching 4 corners on the plight of Afghan women, we women live in a fortunate place.

sometimes I like to fly

tomorrow is the big day

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

something easy, something hard

I have now created my own bloglines account and set up a news feed, I just have to work out how to connect it to blogspot!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

an important technology advance

New test will end 'wasted' chemo

A SYDNEY scientist has created a world-first test that could save or extend the lives of cancer patients by drastically reducing the trauma of chemotherapy.

The test uses a dye to determine whether cancer cells are being destroyed, allowing for rapid changes in treatment and eliminating one of the most traumatic aspects of the cancer patient's ordeal: long, debilitating chemotherapy courses that can be found months later to be a waste of time.

Professor Philip Hogg, the director of the University of NSW's cancer research centre, has developed a family of molecules that attach themselves to dying or dead cancer cells, allowing doctors to determine if a particular course of treatment is working within 24 hours of the first dose.

My best friend has cancer in the spine and breast, so any new advances in treatment are of interest to me, especially something that reduces the trauma of treatment.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

techno stuff

I think it is great that I am learning new technology but I really can`t see the relevance of all this blogging stuff to my life, either personally or professionally.
Personally, I think the idea of blogging is extremely self indulgent, surely professional people such as librarians can find more enlightening ways to spend their time.
Professionally, it is valuable to keep abreast of what our customers are doing but I have never been asked to assist with blogging and I think it is up there with accessing bank accounts as far as privacy issues are concerned; setting up accounts/ passwords/ personal information...... What is the policy relating to providing assistance with personal blogs?
To me there are far more important skills that apply to my job as information skills librarian that I have not received any training for - assisting customers with relevant computer skills such as use of usb/ memory sticks and cards, transferring data from emails, editing photos etc.
I don`t wish to appear negative but I do wish to be honest!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

a place to spend a special birthday

this is where I wanted to spend my 50th so this is where I did, courtesy of a special friend who gave me the trip as my present- who needs husbands when you can have special friends!


Thursday, September 27, 2007

not to be confused with dee-zone

amazing we both chose dee something and neither one knew what the other was called!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Saturday, September 22, 2007

i think blogs are for people who don`t have a life, imagine doing this in your own time!

Friday, September 21, 2007


my first blog ever (hate the name)