Friday, October 26, 2007

the things you learn!

Once again I try to watch the Lib 2.0 video "the machine is us" but this time on a work p/c, but the library p/c doesn`t have the facility to watch it here either. This seems to be a big problem- I can`t do the program at work (public library) as we don`t have adequate facilities and my home p/c doesn`t have all the programs required installed, and I am loathe to install any extra programs as I am on limited downloads and to go over my limit costs heaps! Technology is only as good as the hardware we have access to!
I did read about lib 2.0 in Wikipedia and learnt about Radical Trust, the underlying assumption of Lib 2.0.
I also checked out "site of the week", I didn`t realize iPods could catch fire (self combustion from batteries!)

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