Saturday, November 10, 2007

Where am I? Lost in libraryland.......

Does anyone recognise this place?
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Now for my final comments, no I`m not conscientious, just going on annual leave for 3 weeks, New Zealand here I come!
I was very cynical when I first started the program (how unusual for me) but I have learnt a lot, I`m just still unsure how it all relates to my job!
Also I have a problem with librarians spending so much time blogging, surely we lead more interesting lives than to spend so much time reading the blogs of strangers! The only blogs I have looked at have been my colleagues, (some very clever ladies in that group) but I have no desire to check out the blogs of others unknown to me.
The sites I found interesting and relevant to my work included book review sites such as Lulu and LibraryThing.
I admit I did enjoy learning how to use YouTube and downloading videos, now I know why my sons spend so much time on the computer at home!
It must be remembered too that much of the stuff we have been required to access we are not able to via our work stations and it may be very difficult to compete with our customers for public internet time!
signing off..... dee dee

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